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St Peter's CofE Primary School

"Every Child a Success"

School Logo

St Peter's CofE Primary School

"Every Child a Success"


Additional Home Learning Resources

Learning Grid


Teacher Read Aloud - Listen to our teachers read stories.

Get Epic - Read stories online

Alphablocks - Learn alphabet and phonics skills

Oxford Owl - Read at home

Phonics Play - Develop Phonics skills

Teach Your Monster To Read - Download the app for free

Audible Stories - Stream an incredible collection of stories.


Spelling Shed - Practise spelling rules

Small Town Superheroes - Use SPAG skills to be a hero

Karate Cats - Learn punctuation skills


TT Rockstars - Practise times table skills

Numberblocks - Sing and learn all about numbers

Top Marks - Number Games

White Rose Maths - Daily Maths lessons for EYFS to Y2

Foundation Subjects

Purple Mash - Computing challenges

SketchPad - Online Art

Cbeebies - Learning Games

Supermovers - Get physically active

Primary Homework - Facts for all subjects

Bitesize - Range of subjects

Dance - KS1 Dance Activities

Go Noodle - Activities for moving and mindfulness

Premier League Stars - Challenges linked to football


Home Learning (Reception and KS1)


Phonics (all classes)

Please click on the following link to access the RWI website. On here you will find a link to daily speed sound lessons for your child to watch at home.


Poetry (all classes)

Please click on the following link to access an archive of spoken poetry where your child can listen to poems out loud. Find a favourite and encourage your child to perform the poem. Maybe they could send it to their class teacher via dojo!


All subjects (all classes)

Please click on the following link to access a selection of daily activities on different subjects, including comprehension and grammar. Free during school closure, registration required.

Maths (all classes)

Please click on the following links for a range of interactive maths games categorised by age. Number fun portal is free for 30 days.


Please clink on the link below to help your child be epic with maths! There are lots of fun games and activities which will help your child become a confident mathematician.


Well-being (all classes)

Please click on the following link for wellbeing advice for all those supporting children and young people.
