Intent Statement
- To provide a safe environment providing authentic experiences, developing the unique child.
- To provide a curriculum designed to develop our children's emotional, physical and communication skills. (development matters)
- We want our children to be motivated and engaged whilst playing and exploring; developing independence. (COEL)
- Developing communication and language skills is the cornerstone of our curriculum and are vital in preparing our children to achieve the ELG's in preparation to begin the NC in Year 1
- To develop relationships with parents and carers which will enable us to work in partnership throughout the child’s time as St Peter’s.
'We believe that the Early Years Foundation Stage is vital in securing the solid foundations needed for our children’s future education. Through the Early Years Curriculum our aim is to work in partnership with parents and carers to encourage independent, happy learners who enjoy coming to school. Our learning is both adult led and child initiated which allows our children to explore the characteristics of effective learning; thinking, engagement and motivation.'