St Peter's CofE Primary School
"Every Child a Success"
Intent Statement
Our intention is that the provision of English will enable us to achieve our vision – every child a success.
'At St Peter’s C of E Primary School we know and understand how our children learn and are committed to ensuring the effective delivery of a progressive and vibrant English curriculum that is accessible to all our children. English is a core subject of the National Curriculum and a prerequisite for educational and social progress.
Therefore, at St Peter’s we are committed in our aim that every child will be competent in the art of communication; speaking, listening and writing, as well as inspiring a passion for reading which immerses them in the wonders of quality literature. Our pupils will become lifelong readers who are passionate for discovery and able to explore their imaginations.'
Reading Intent
'Reading is at the heart of St Peter’s curriculum and we strive to develop a child’s love of reading both at school and home. Our aim is for all children to read for pleasure and be competent at decoding using strong phoneme and grapheme awareness and have reflective and secure comprehension skills. Inspiring children to become absorbed by a wide range of rich quality reading material is perhaps the greatest gift any adult can pass on and is essential in developing children who become lifelong readers.
The pleasure of being read to, being able to read and enjoy reading will allow our pupils to thrive. We intend that all our children leave us holding an intrinsic love of reading which will equip them academically and socially, with a greater understanding of people and the world around them, and importantly with self-confidence, self-esteem and the emotional vocabulary to express themselves throughout their educational and working lives.'
Writing Intent
'Writing is an integral part of our curriculum with valuable cross curricular opportunities captured as often as possible. It is our intention that pupils develop a solid understanding of writing processes to ensure they can write effectively for different purposes, together with the ability to draw upon effective vocabulary and grammatical features. Secure spelling and good presentation ensure children achieve high standards and are confident writers.
St Peter’s provides a progressive, stimulating and motivating writing curriculum enabling children to become authors in their own right through developing knowledge of genre features, audience, purpose, language, grammatical features and effective composition techniques. We intend that children will be able to develop and edit their writing over time and identify their own areas for improvement.'
Speaking and Listening Intent
'Speaking and listening is integral to St Peter’s curriculum and is developed from our nurseries and throughout our school. It is our endeavour to ensure that we provide a ‘Language Rich’ learning environment which allows all pupils to be able to communicate and articulate clearly and confidently. Our children will be able to listen and respond appropriately to adults and their peers; show confidence when challenging perceptions; ask questions; speak audibly, fluently and with empathy and have a good command of Standard English.'