School Logo

St Peter's CofE Primary School

"Every Child a Success"

School Logo

St Peter's CofE Primary School

"Every Child a Success"



Welcome to St Peter's Church of England Primary School


We hope that you enjoy your visit to our website, and that you find any information you are looking for. Please feel free to contact the school direct with any queries you may have.


We are a busy but friendly school, with lots going on. At St Peter's Church of England Primary School, we warmly welcome every child. We think of ourselves as a family and feel it is really important that parents, teachers and children are able to form relationships of mutual trust and respect. We encourage parents to take an active interest in their children's education. There are many celebrations that go on throughout the year including assemblies, Christmas productions and a range of other activities. We also like to welcome parents into the classroom to support the children's learning. Maybe to hear readers, help with art activities or to make costumes for a production?


All parents are automatically members of the PTA and we welcome your involvement. The PTA exists not only to provide fundraising opportunities, but also to provide social occasions where parents have the opportunity to get to know each other, and the school, a little better.


We like to keep in regular contact with all of our parents, we aim to do this through


  • Regular newsletters that are sent out once a fortnight (also available online - click here)

  • Welcomed informal chats when you drop off or collect your child

  • Class Dojo. This enables families to see what their children have been up to and also gives families the opportunity to share any fantastic learning completed at home

  • The facility to make appointments with any staff about any private issues whenever cause arises

  • Curriculum information evenings

  • Coffee mornings

  • Reports - both interim and end of term


Details of topics covered during the term are sent out at the beginning of each term enabling parents to discuss the subject matter with their children or if parents wish, to plan visits that may be relevant to support pupils with their classroom learning. When children are offered a place at St Peter's, it is important that all parties are in agreement with the education, ethos and values we provide. We strive to do our very best for every child in our school and we depend on parental support in all aspects of this.


At St Peter's school, we feel it's important that children are offered a full range of activities, designed to compliment the school curriculum and extend and support their knowledge and understanding. In particular, we feel sporting activities are vital to children's health and well being and therefore strive to offer as wide a range of after school/lunchtime clubs as possible each term. Click here to find out which clubs may be available for your child each term.


The School Day

The school gates open at 8.30am and registration is at 8.45am. Any child arriving after 8.45am will need to be signed in by an adult at the school office. The school day finishes at 3.15pm. 

Total hours provided in a typical week: 32 hours and 30 minutes

After School care

We offer a Breakfast club from 7.30am each day, with a choice of breakfasts and an After School Club from 3.15pm until 6.00pm, with a light snack meal. 
