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St Peter's CofE Primary School

"Every Child a Success"

School Logo

St Peter's CofE Primary School

"Every Child a Success"


The Governing Body

The Governing body has responsibility to uphold the aims and direction of the school and is accountable to the Diocese and the Local Authority for the way the school is run.


The Governing Body

  • Establishes (with the Headteacher and staff) the aims and policies of the school and how the standards of education can be improved.
  • Ensures that special educational needs are met.
  • Guides the conduct of the school, that is, how, in general terms, it should be run.
  • Agrees the length of the school day.
  • Is responsible for drawing up and monitoring legally required policies, for example on school charging, religious education, discipline and sex education.
  • Helps to draw up (with the Headteacher and staff) the School Development Plan and monitors its implementation.
  • Sets and monitors the school budget.
  • Controls school premises and ensures the health and safety of users.
  • Makes sure the National Curriculum and Religious Education are taught.
  • Is responsible for personnel matters, e.g. staff appointments, staff support, and any capability or disciplinary issues.
  • Acts as a link between the local community and the school.
  • After an Ofsted inspection, draws up a plan of action and monitors how the plan is put into practice.
  • Listens to parent and LA comments and decides upon any necessary action.


No governor has any individual power or authority, except the Chairperson/Vice Chairperson in certain specified circumstances. Governors work together to make decisions concerning the life of the school.

The governing body meets at least once per term although we typically meet twice per term in formally clerked meetings. Smaller committees/working groups also exist in order for issues to be looked at with more time, care and attention. At St Peter's we have the following:

  • Curriculum Committee
  • Finance and Premises Committee
  • Pay Review Committee
  • There are also Statutory Committees which meet when required such as Pupil Discipline.


School Improvement Plan

The School Improvement Plan (SIP) is produced annually by the Headteacher, Staff and Governors. The Governors oversee the process, led by the Headteacher. We look ahead in a planning process to prioritise projects and focus areas for the following year. The plan helps us monitor school development and the process is reviewed and evaluated at the termly governing body meetings.


Effective and Efficient Use of Resources

The Headteacher and Governors will strive to maintain a continuum of provision of resources, including staff, to meet the educational needs of the children and support the aims of the school. They will keep under review how that continuum of provision is resourced in order to ensure maximum effectiveness and efficiency in the deployment of resources. Efficiency will be measured in terms of value for money and effectiveness in terms of positive outcomes for pupils.

School resources receive a welcome boost from our active PTA, who involve themselves tirelessly not only in running fundraising events but also social occasions. Governors support PTA activities. The current Chairperson of the PTA is Sara Dennis.


To contact the Governing body, please do so via the school office


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On: 01628 602295

Or in writing: FAO Governors, St Peter's CE Primary School, Minniecroft Road, Burnham, Buckinghamshire, SL1 7DE
