St Peter's CofE Primary School
"Every Child a Success"
School Uniform
Out PTA stock our school uniform. If you would like to make a purchase, please collect an order form from the office. Unbranded uniform is acceptable and can be purchased from any uniform retailer. The PTA sell:
School Uniform:
In the summer children may wear purple check dresses or grey shorts.
Reception do not need to wear ties
Year 1 and 2 have the option of elasticated ties
Year 3, 4, and 5 have standard ties
Year 6 have the option to buy a special tie that can be purchased from the PTA
PE Kit
White polo shirt/T-shirt
Black shorts and Black joggers (for the winter months)
Purple hoodie (school logo hoodies available from PTA)
White socks
Black plimsolls or black trainers
PE bag
Additional Uniform (Optional)
Purple book bag with school logo
Purple fleece with school logo
Purple raincoat (reversible) with school logo
Purple/white checked scrunchies (hair)
If you are looking to source second-hand school uniform please contact the school office.