St Peter's CofE Primary School
"Every Child a Success"
Dear Parents,
I feel that it is appropriate given recent developments both nationally and locally to write to you specifically about our ongoing approach to the international spread of the Coronavirus, Covid19.
We continue to follow all the appropriate guidelines from Public Health England and the guidance issued by the Department of Education with regard to how schools should handle the current situation. The guidance is updated daily.
We do not currently have any cases of Covid19 within school and as such we remain open as per the guidance and the risk to any children or staff is classed as low. We are conscious of the potential for the spread of the virus between pupils and as a result we have taken the decision to suspend all inter-school activities such as visits to other schools until after the Easter break. This means the visit to Burnham Grammar and the Langley Grammar visit will not go ahead next week. We have also made the decision to cancel the Year Five visit to Cippenham Church and the Reception class trip to the Look Out Centre.
In addition, we would highlight the Government guidance issued which is clear that children must not come into school for 7 days from the point at which they first show any sign of one or more of the following symptoms:
a) Fever
b) Dry cough
c) Shortness of breath
If any of these symptoms are present or you are worried in any way that you or your child may have contracted coronavirus, you should self-isolate. If you have contacted 111, please then notify the school about the action you have been asked to take.
Hygiene of everyone attending school is something we all need to remain mindful of. Pupils are directed to wash their hands several times a day. The daily cleaning routine in the school ensures that high contact areas, such as door handles, are disinfected regularly.
We will inform all parents immediately if and when the situation changes. In the event of an enforced school closure, we shall endeavour to ensure your child has appropriate work to complete.
I believe that in these unprecedented times communication is key and can assure you that we will notify you of any additional information or measures we are taking as soon as possible.
Many thanks for your ongoing support.
Yours sincerely
Mrs Tanya Morris